by Stephy Hogan | Blog
Are you active on Twitter? We just launched a Twitter list of Guild members, advisors, and directors.
by Stephy Hogan | Blog, Dear Diary
Dear Diary, I just finished up the new company template and sent it off to my boss. It’s the first time I have worked quite THAT much in XML, but I think I did ok. I mean, I didn’t break it at all, so that’s a plus! If the boss likes it, I’ll...
by Stephy Hogan | Blog, Dear Diary
Dear Diary, Ok, I’ve adjusted to the new workload and have settled into working on those long-neglected projects. First, I’m got some video brand guidelines to create, the first of their kind at this company. Then, my dear, sweet PowerPoint template,...
by Stephy Hogan | Blog, Dear Diary
Dear Diary, There was another surprise event immediately after the last one that made me, yet again, put other projects (including my fantastic new template) on the back burner again. I managed to get through it and suddenly I find myself with nothing to do BUT the...
by Stephy Hogan | Blog, Tips & Tricks
In this quick tip, you’ll learn how to make your presentation include the following in one PowerPoint file: on screen presenter support slides, talking points for the speaker to see while on stage, and a printed handout.