Presentation Guild logo

Hello there, conference-goers.

Yep, this is the place to be part of celebrating the launch of the Presentation Guild at The Presentation Summit. Here is information on how to join the Guild using your exclusive Presentation Summit discount, our live social media feeds, and the rules for the Guild...

Guild Contest #002: Makeover Makeover

Contest #002: Makeover Makeover Timeline Contest Opens Aug 1 Slide Makeovers Due Aug 21 by Midnight Winners Announced Aug 31 Objective Our makeup client needs a template makeover! Don’t settle in to your usual look, try something new, use a new shade of eye shadow…or...
September is the new January

Free Registration at Presenters Network

Presentation professionals in and around New York: enjoy some wine, beer, or soda on a fabulous rooftop lounge in midtown Manhattan next week while you benefit from all this: Nolan Haims will speak on Office 365 and the latest game-changing features to come to...
Presentation Guild