Dear Diary,
It’s finally happened. I’ve been given the green light to start a presentation revolution at work. I can hardly believe it. It’s not going to be easy and it’s not going to be fast.
I’m the only presentation designer, diary. In a sea of over 6,000 people, there I am trying to develop templates that look high-end and forcing people to use 16:9 slides so that we don’t look like we still own console TVs.
I really want to abolish the 4:3 presentation option, diary.
But now… Now I’ve gotten the nerve to lay out my plan to my superiors. Not only get rid of the 4:3, but introduce a whole template library. Some will be tightly controlled and highly designed. The rest will have hundreds of master layouts, slides of approved iconography, imagery, maps, flags, and charts so that whomever uses that template can’t make us look TOO bad. There will be master slide instructions in the pasteboards, animation templates, layouts specifically designed for our friends in legal, and BY GOD we will make use of the notes master so that our slides are slick and clean!
There will be training videos to create! Testing rooms with various screens and projectors! Addins to streamline our workflow! New intake forms that will properly assess presentation projects! AND WE WILL GET OFFICE 365 ON OUR MACHINES! … somehow.
And the boss likes it. Now I’ve been tasked with planning this coupe, this evolution, nay, this revolution! I have a lot of research to do.
And diary, I’m taking you on this journey. I hope it will be complete by the end of the year. That’s my goal. Keep your pages crossed for me.

Dear Diary, 001
Author: Stephy Hogan
Author: Stephy Hogan
Dear Diary, 001
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